While our Emporium has seemed quiet lately, we remain busy as ever creating and finding strange new artifacts and oddities to fill our stockroom and the shelves of our discerning clientele. As soon as we uncrate each new piece and determine that it is neither explosive, rabid, cursed, nor endorsed by Oprah Winfrey, we rush it to our stockroom shelves and to our Emporium webpage, which is now only a mouse click or two away from you. So take a few minutes and roam around our Emporium and the rest of our Darkvale website - you never know what you will find, and virtually everything on every page is for sale if you ask us nicely. From the darkest corners of our world and worlds unknown we have accumulated our unique catalog of merchandise, and our stock grows every week, so check back often. Thank you all, happy shopping, and so long for now.
Prop Shop 'til you Drop...
Note: "Cuddly" merch tends to fall outside of our target demographic. Whatever that means.