The most important thing a merchant can have, according to several extremely boring books about selling things and not starving, is a good location. I would argue that the most important thing any merchant possesses is "stuff to sell", but then again nobody is paying me to rattle on for 12 chapters about demographics and mission statements, so perhaps I should be ignored on that point.
Even as I speak, (or type, I suppose), multiple artists and adventurers are working to fill the display crates we will be proudly presenting at this year's Spooky Empire convention, to be held Halloween weekend at the Hyatt Regency Orlando on International Drive. For a taste of the unique exotica we will be exhibiting, please peruse our online Emporium, featuring a sampling of our artifacts and their perilous journeys to our humble digital mercantile. Many of these items will be available in person to the discerning shopper (or the apathetic kind, we like their money, too), at our heavily themed trade show booth, and those who are neither faint of heart nor timid of wallet will find themselves in possession of some truly unique specimens of the darkest corners of our planet. As always, my friends, like and share our posts and website to help us grow and create ever larger adventures for all who follow us. We always work to make Adventure a tangible thing, and for those who can attend our booth this Halloween, Darkvale Studios, proud purveyors of things that go bump in the night, will happily scratch the itch for those with a streak of swashbuckler in their blood.