The clock is ticking, and there is much to be done! The fundraiser for the independent film Chasing Photons, a steampunk fantasy adventure directed by Barry D. Kirsch; starring actor, comedian, and vocal sound effects king Michael Winslow; and featuring props and set designs by Darkvale Studios (that's us!) has begun, and we need to spread the word and pass the hat to bring this cinematic venture to life! Now is the time to bust open little Timmy's piggy bank, dig through Grandma's purse, run off with a street musician's guitar case, maybe even scare up money by ethical means, if that's your thing. The link to donate, and to watch a short film in which our clockwork thespian Tank bites a movie star, is included below, and if you can even throw a few dollars our way, you'll become a participant in this unique independent film endeavor. Many perks are offered to those who donate a little more, so click the link, watch the pitch, and kindly toss a shekel or two in the digital hat before you move on. We thank you for your time, and look forward to bringing Chasing Photons to the big screen.