In a few short days, Darkvale Studios will once again emerge into the world as a physical presence, interacting with haunt convention attendees for three days and then disappearing before the inevitable torch bearing mob forms and scares off our key demographic. But for those lucky attendees of the Spooky Empire Haunt Convention and Powdered Soup Distributors Extravaganza (I may need to double check that name), we will be an extremely real and interactive attraction and retail experience. At the bottom of this blog, I will be attaching a link to the event, and all who can make the trek to central Florida and somehow dodge the allure of the mouse, boy wizard, or sea mammal themed entertainment empires are encouraged to attend our humble but ambitious dark carnival, hosted by the immensely talented and tolerant Rob Cametti. Our good friends at the Mucklebones Monster Museum and Phantasmagoria will also be flaunting their unique brands of dark madness, and we expect to raise quite a stir before the representatives of good taste and propriety arrive and shut us down. Many of our Emporium's signature pieces will be available for sale, as well as quite a few surprise additions that have not yet been featured on our site. So top off your wallet and your gas tank, and come shake our hands and see why we keep our presence in the real world to a minimum at the Hyatt Regency Orlando on International Drive this Halloween weekend. We look forward to meeting you all, even the odd smelling ones.
Click here for info and tickets...
(You may need to copy and paste that like an Amish person, since our computer is being glitchy. I probably shouldn't leave it in the yard so much.)