If you work in an office, you probably have a shelf. And your office shelf is probably full of sad, grey things, like employee manuals or IT procedures or a folder of creepy anime' pictures you didn't think anyone knew about. We at Darkvale Studios would love your office to show off your true inner character, at least the parts of it that don't lead to pepper spray and HR paperwork. Take a few minutes from your cubicle grind and peruse our delightful Emporium, just a few clicks away from you now, to see what strikes your fancy. Imagine the looks on the faces of your colleagues when your workspace features an authentic Chupacabra skeleton, vampire skull, or cannibal shaman staff topper (pictured above), featured as a beautiful contrapunta to your "Hang in There!" kitten poster. If nothing else, the elbow room you'll gain at the breakroom microwave will be well worth the investment. You may as well liven up your desk area now, before the IT people find all those anime' tentacle pics in your search history, am I right?
The Cure For the Boring Bookshelf...
Dead Guy on a Stick. Item # 720 in the Darkvale Christmas catalog, just after the Don Knotts commemorative leg warmers. We were trying new things that year.