After a poorly executed publicity stunt resulted in our resident artist snapping and being carted off to the giggle farm, the ensuing staffing issues sent us into a two month media blackout from which we are only now emerging. There was a short frenzy of employee shuffling, and at one point we had a very hopeful prospect for a new social media director, until he violated our Offensive Speech Zero Tolerance clause with the phrases “Cool Beans”, "Awesome Sauce”, and, God help us all, “Totes Magotes”, which of course resulted in our having him immediately put to sleep. Godspeed, Cameron. At any rate, we seem to have repaired the communications wiring that our resident Picasso gnawed through during his frenzied escape attempts, and our art department walls have been thoroughly scrubbed of all blood and solid waste based graffiti, so we’re happy to announce that - we’re hiring! To be sure, employment within the chaotic halls of the Darkvale Studios facility is not for the faint of heart nor the feeble of health insurance, but adventure is guaranteed, and the lack of desire to read the fine print is the very sort of thing we look for in our new prospects. If you don’t suffer from hangups about “safety”, or “respect”, or “payment”, you may find this to be a very rewarding career. You know where to find us, usually where the OSHA inspectors or news vans seem to gather, so toss on your fancy interviewin’ pants and come on down - our schedule seems to be wide open. Also, our nameplate engraver is a little glitchy these days, so if your first name is Cameron, that would be a HUGE plus.
No Skittish Need Apply...
Our photo person and our caption person are both on strike, so imagine song lyrics or something here, I guess.