Raising an evil empire? Striking terror into the hearts of the masses? Giving the finger to all that is kind and decent? We’ve got you covered. Darkvale Studios is here to make sure that you and your glaze eyed minions of destruction are outfitted with unique and beautiful weaponry, befitting only the classiest of spittle flinging despots. Whether you’re planning to terrify local street criminals or to flush out any weird looking foreigners you haven’t chosen to marry, accept no substitutes for the stunning firepower and bold designs that can only be found in the Darkvale arsenal. So when you take your next break from another redfaced session of shaking your fist at the television cameras, settle down with our weaponry catalog and pick out a few nice life enders to dazzle your foes and make the pretty ladies swoon. Your blood soaked vision for the future isn’t going to build itself, so whip out your checkbook and let our scruples-free laboratory build some of the most stylish and needlessly deadly handheld weaponry a loosely policed internet will allow us to sell. If you act quickly enough, we’ll even help you create a little elbow room in those noisy overcrowded streets out there. It’s only money, and you probably have too much of it - Darkvale Studios will happily help you shape the future that finally lets us put our rusting Y2K shelters to good use.
Blasting Our Way to the Top...
Point away from face, point away from babies, yada yada yada, you know the drill.