As a rule, whenever I am called “Sir”, it is followed by “I’m going to have to ask you to leave”. Darkvale’s latest venture, the Steampunk Adventurers’ Club, has put me among courteous, honorable, and deeply talented artists of camera, stage, and screen; and frankly, I keep waiting for some security guard to show up and offer to tase me unless I move along. Personal hangups aside, this project is becoming a true adventure, and the growth of the SAC and that of Darkvale Studios are clearly intertwined. We have much ground to cover in a short period of time, but rest assured that Darkvale’s production department will fill the SAC clubhouse with wonderments and whimsy, and that steampunk storytellers from all corners of our world and worlds unknown will find a strangely comfortable home beneath its cluttered rafters. As always, share our posts and photos on FaceBook so that we can bring the Darkvale adventure to ever greater audiences. We look forward to announcing the opening of the Steampunk Adventurers’ Club doors, both in person at our Sanford clubhouse and online to the world, in the very near future, and we are quite proud to be an integral part of this project, at least until they figure out how shady we are. Now if you’ll excuse me, I believe I just heard the distinctive sound of a taser being unplugged from its wall charger. Adieu for now, friends.
Lurking in the Shadows of Greatness...
Ssssshhhhhh...if Greatness finds me here, I'll get kicked to the curb.