Excerpts from our recent loading dock manifest:
Artifact #751810
Fiji Mermaid - approx 2 ft. in length, dried specimen, excellently preserved.
Acquired from Japanese sailors at a tea house in Saipan, who guaranteed that it
contained no monkey or fish parts.
Artifact #11221718
Nautical salvage - heavily weathered piece of ship lumber, appears to have faint
traces of lettering : "...een Anne's Rev..." can be discerned, but breakage,
saltwater, and fire damage have taken a heavy toll. Found in a tidal pool at
Pamlico Sound, off the North Carolina coast - fascinating wall art, ready to
Artifact #71056
Laboratory salvage - strange brass & ironwork device, approx 12 in tall, appears
to be electrical in nature. Found in a warehouse in Shoreham, NY, stamped with
lettering "Property of Wardenclyffe Laboratories". Converted into eye catching
light fixture.
Every day, more crates arrive - by helicopter, by pack mule, even one by a strangely silent gentleman in a rickshaw last Tuesday evening. As our warehouse floor space dwindles and the black van full of dour U.S. customs agents parked across the street grows more restless, we are busily adding finishing touches to our Emporium webpage. As we are still awaiting clearance from our legal department, we have no opening date to announce as of yet, but Spring of 2015 looks quite promising. So clear some shelf and wall space, and kindly spread the word about our humble operation to your friends, loved ones, and semi tolerable acquaintances. We have much to sell, and much more on the way, and all of these misplaced oddities will need a loving home. So long for now.